This is The Reason For Cultivating Fresh Fish in a Tarpaulin Pond

광고 More and more fresh fish breeders find it appropriate to use tarpaulin pools as a medium for cultivation.

Why is that?

Because this media shares many advantages compared to using traditional ponds which are starting to be abandoned.

Tarpaulin ponds are suitable for the cultivation of many fish, so not only catfish farming can use this tarpaulin pool. The cultivation of fresh fish using tarpaulin ponds has many advantages that have led to more and more fresh fish farmers using this media. the advantages include PE tarpaulin in Vietnam;

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Fatter Fish

Compared to other ponds, the fish produced have been tested to be fatter and heavier when the harvest time comes. Fatter fish will share the many financial benefits. Multiple profits will be easy to get.

koi fish tarpaulin pond

Harvest Faster

Not only fish are fatter, another matter that is preferred when cultivating using a tarp pool is a harvest period that is faster than usual. Save time and save energy.

High Stocking Density

The advantage of tarpaulin ponds compared to other types of ponds is that the time to spread the seeds is bigger and bigger. With the large number of seeds that are spread, maybe the fish obtained during harvest will also be very large.

PH More Stable

Each fish has a different habitat. Mainly about the pH of water which greatly affects the survival of the fish. However, by using a pool of PH tarpaulin in the pool you should always be maintained and normal because the pond is equipped with equipment to control the pH of the water.

Looking at these tantalizing advantages, in fact you no longer hesitate to quickly change your fish farming pond with a tarpaulin pool that is more clearly profitable.

So that the results are more optimal, there are some things that you must pay attention to when installing a tarpaulin pool. The preparation must be done well so that nothing goes wrong until the harvest time. Some of these are;

Tarpaulin Pool Position
Before installing a tarpaulin pool, initially you must first know which position is suitable for your tarpaulin pool. Fortunately, the tarpaulin pool is a type of pool that does not need a large area. Get to a small place too. You can always install it.

Technical considerations
These considerations include water sources, whether the place is comfortable water sources. Given that some of the water must be exchanged once a day. The dimensions of the pool are also a concern because they want to influence when sowing the seeds later. Continue to grow the pond large until there are more seeds that can be sown. Not only that, the treatment of waste will also pay attention to where the waste will be disposed of after each water replacement.

The advantages of cultivating fresh fish in a tarpaulin pond

There are some reasons why some people sort out freshwater fish farming using tarpaulin pools. This matter is due to the many properties you want to have.

The advantages of using this one pond include the quality of the fish it produces is much fresher and is also able to create a maximum harvest. Here are other advantages of tarpaulin ponds for freshwater fish.

More Controlled Fish Maintenance Process

Fresh fish is a type of fish that has a large economic value. Because it means carrying out controlled fish farming. Because it is necessary to practice fish farming using this tarpaulin pool.

Controlled feed, the condition of the pond that is always maintained, and the water that is always clean will make fish harvests of better quality. This kind of fresh fish cultivation method also wants to make harvest times faster.