Massage therapy
Massage therapy is one of the most common ways to find relief. When a person gets a massage, the therapy helps to increase circulation to the areas that need to heal, it reduces inflammation, and it helps to improve the person’s mental state.
All these things work in perfect combination to offer patients pain relief that they will be able to enjoy until their next session.
Arnica Oil
When arthritis flare ups hit, some patients simply cannot free up their schedule to get a massage the same day. That’s why it’s important to have some arnica oil in the medicine cabinet to get relief.
This essential oil is not as popular as some of the other oils, but that does not mean that it does not work. Arnica oil has been deemed safe for topical use, and can instantly help soothe the discomfort associated with inflammation from arthritis, and other conditions, like carpel tunnel syndrome.
Patients that use arnica oil for their carpel tunnel syndrome found that it made them comfortable enough that they no longer wanted to have surgery.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is popular for being relaxing and soothing. It is also popular because it can help stop a headache in its tracks. Simply include some peppermint oil in a relaxing bubble bath, or place a few drops under the nose so it is breathed in with every inhale to avoid a headache before it starts.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is the perfect thing to add to a bubble bath after a hard day at work. If an appointment for massage therapy is still a few days away, this bubble bath can easily soothe tired and overworked joints.
This can help get individuals find relief that are tired, sore, or that have conditions that make their muscles and joints hurt, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis.